1 May 2018

Weather Girl

storm clouds

“The weather this week looks so bloomin’ awful.”
“I thought it was going to be fine after yesterday’s rain?”
“No, there is cloud and rain forecast all week.”
“What’s happened to tomorrow’s sunshine?”
“Definitely going to rain and the temperature is down to zero degrees.”
“That can’t be right, are you sure?”
“Oops, sorry, I was looking at the English weather forecast!”
“Crazy woman!”

We took Rick for a walk through the chestnut woods this afternoon.  I wore my raincoat but soon wished I hadn’t because it was too warm.  It was such a pleasure to be out in the proper countryside again, no traffic, no children with scooters, no other dogs to avoid.  Wild orchids were dotted about the meadows and there were lots of violets and periwinkle alongside the footpath.  Bright yellow broom is in full flower at the edge of the woodland.

It’s good to be back here.

Philippe's potager


  1. Your place looks lovely also with an oncoming storm in the background!
    Greetings Maria x

  2. Replies
    1. I always think Paul's Potager rolls off the tongue nicely.

  3. There wasa tiny frost last night (1 C). I nearly had a fit!

    1. Paul's waiting another night before he plants his tomatoes.

  4. I love the serried rows in Paul's potager.

    1. Paul's rows aren't quite as straight, that's Philippe's potager!
