24 April 2024


This spell of cold weather is getting tiresome; a blast of Arctic air streaming from the north down the east coast has created bitterly cold conditions.  I am still wrapped up in winter gear when I take Rick out for his early morning walk and I just feel so sorry for the young lambs huddled up against their mums in the sheep field.  Still, we always knew that Lincolnshire was not going to be a tropical paradise when we moved here and, some consolation, I see that it's just as cold in the French Perigord this week.

Paul is having to cover all the Hostas and wrap things up in the greenhouse at night.  Tender new growth on the Fatsia Japonica has been burnt by the late frosts but there is abundant blossom on the apple trees so it looks like we shall have a bumper crop of apples later this year.

Wishing for some warm, dry weather so we can sit outside and enjoy the garden.