29 July 2018

Bath Time

Rick's spa bath (no filters required)

This morning we had clear blue skies and sunshine; we took Rick out early for a long walk while the day was still fresh and cool.  The scenery through the chestnut and pine forest was spectacular but the flies were a bit annoying. 

Back home, after coffee, we decided it was bath time for Rick.  We tried to entice him into his brand new paddling pool but he was having none of that nonsense.  Give him a muddy pond or a river and he would jump straight in.  Paul carried Rick across and placed him in the pool and he stood there bravely while we shampooed him and rinsed him off.  Afterwards he jumped out, shook himself off and went to dry himself off in the sun.  He seemed pretty relaxed by it all.

wet dog

He is now clean and fluffy and smells absolutely delicious.

sunning himself


  1. Ted had an emergency shower last week (due to dirty trousers) and stands still in the garden while sprayed, shampooed and rinsed. I could wish for a second pair of hands as he is a slippery customer when soaking wet, he also becomes very slim. When dry he's so soft and fluffs out. I feel very maternal when he is clean again.

    1. Rick looked as skinny as a whippet when he was wet.

  2. My dogs endure their baths with s look of resigned suffering. They always seem perky and happy afterwards, though!

    Rick is so cute!

    1. That describes exactly how Rick was!

  3. Did you and Paul jump in the spa bath later? Best not to waste water.

    1. I jumped in, there wasn't room for both of us.

  4. Whenever our Monty found some dead carcass in the woods, he would always roll in it. The smell was unbelievable. I wonder why certain dogs like to smell so bad? Luckily he also loved water.

    1. I don't know but it's definitely a dog thing.
