22 May 2020

Windy Weather

There is a hurricane blowing outside!  The weathermen describe it as merely an unseasonable wind but it is knocking our garden for six.  Paul has been outside trying to tie up the lupins that have been flattened.  He has had to move the raspberry canes into the garage in an attempt to save them.  The yellow roses that were in full bloom have had their petals scattered all over the patio, I picked up one bloom that had been totally decapitated and brought it indoors.  This wind is likely to continue for the next three days, getting even stronger tomorrow, so there will no doubt be some damage to the garden.

Earlier in the week it felt like summer had truly arrived.  We pottered around the garden, ate lunch outside and Rick ran around like a small child chasing his tennis balls.  Yesterday we drove to our local garden centre that had recently re-opened.  It was the first time I had been out in the car for over 9 weeks.  We went early to avoid any crowds and in actual fact there were only a couple of other people there so we were able to wander about quite freely.  I bought a couple of lavender plants, some bedding dahlias, antirrhinums and another ornamental grass for the patio.

In the afternoon Paul dug up an old hydrangea bush that had become too big and was not producing any blooms and replanted a Hebe in its place.  I don’t like getting rid of plants but sometimes you have to be a bit ruthless. 

I just want this wind to stop now so we can resume our cycling and enjoy the garden once more.


  1. Had to look up hebe. It's always a shame when recent blooms get blown away. I haven't been to a garden centre yet, either, but I'll have to go soon for some plants for pots and window boxes. Hope your wind dies down soon. -Jenn

    1. The hebe and a euonymus had both outgrown their pots so they have both been replanted in the beds and I've put the lavender in the pots.

  2. First God sent the coronavirus, then he sent the wind... Either God is not happy with us or he's feeling particularly grumpy. Mercy Lord! Mercy! My runner beans can't take this!

    1. Perhaps the wind will blow the virus away.

  3. And that iris that took so long to come out has been cut down by this awful wind and many of my acquelegia are lying on the ground too.

    1. Oh that's so sad Pat. It's a really vicious wind.

  4. No such wind here, but with all the beautiful weather we've been having, it won't be long before we receive our slap in the face. I'm predicting it will rain for all of June and July! Meanwhile we are swimming daily.

    1. It's quite warm here at the moment but this wind is a horror.
