21 July 2017

Soggy Doggy

The day didn’t start well with Rick throwing up on the bedroom carpet.  He loves chewing on his pig’s ear but had swallowed a big chunk that his tummy couldn’t handle.  Anyone got any tips for removing sick stains from light coloured carpet?

The sky looked dark but Paul was confident it wouldn’t rain for at least another hour.  I thought about taking my rain jacket but decided against it.  We set off across the fields and into the woods and then the rain started.  We sheltered under a tree.  The rain eased a bit so we set off again only to get caught in an absolute deluge.  When the thunder and lightning started I turned around and ran towards home.  Ran?  Well, walked fast with the occasional jog.  We were soaked by the time we got back.  Rick thought it was all great fun.  I wasn't too keen on the wet dog smell, reminds me of digestive biscuits.

At least the Amazon package finally arrived this morning.  Rick is now the proud owner of a Day-Glo orange harness and collapsible water bowl.


  1. Your post has put me off digestive biscuits for ever!!

  2. I'll walk in the rain, but not thunder and lightning. Good luck with the stain, I use 409 and it does a pretty good job on cat barf.

  3. One of the many joys of doggy homes! I love the smell of hot, wet dog - as long as it's my hot, wet dog.

  4. Tip for removing sick stains from light coloured carpet?
    Get a new carpet or better still linoleum which can be easily cleaned the next time Paul throws up.

    1. Are you sure you wouldn't like to own a dog?

  5. Look at that smile on Ricks's face! So happy that he's enjoying the good life. Even wet he looks happy! Sorry about the vomit, I have no idea what works best. I'm still looking for the answer.

  6. Oh poor Rick , those pig's ears are deadly. I'm sure something like tonic water works - or a special pet stain remover - from Amazon !

    1. I might have to find an alternative treat to pig's ears.

  7. We were en route to Fumel when the deluge started, and rather worried about Bok who hates storms.

    re the carpet. Place a large plate over offending area, cut round the edge with a Stanley knife, remove vomit stained circle of shaggy pile, replace with similar piece cut from underneath sofa. Simple!

    1. The weather is so unpredictable at the moment. The carpet solution is very tempting.

  8. Re the carpet. Do not take Cro's advice, this suggestion would not be endorsed by Lady M. The discs would always be too small and would lift with the Dyson.

    1. Ha-ha, hadn't thought of the problem with the Dyson!

  9. Just the start of all the wonderful doggy things you will buy from the internet !

  10. As for the sick stain on the carpet, I have heard of using soda water ....perhaps you should google it ?

    1. I've tried stain remover. Then I read the very small smallprint - do not use on carpets.
