22 October 2021

Garden Stuff and a Dodgy Looking Fox


Infection rates in Lincolnshire are high at the moment but my everyday life is unaffected.  I still go dancing every Friday, dabble with my paintbrushes at art club on Mondays.

On Thursday Paul and I drove to our local nursery and bought some plants for the new bed – some ferns, grasses and I couldn’t resist grabbing a couple of cordylines.  Next week we are having a load of light coloured gravel delivered that will complete the transformation.


grasses and cordyline in the new bed

light coloured Cotswold chippings will finish the look

detail of the fox I painted on Monday (his ears were wonky so I cropped the image!)


  1. The fox is looking like Mr Red Fox and very real. I like him. I have fox drawings that I did of the fox who came after me in Bethnal Green. I put some lipstick on him and Charly has him on her wall now. Foxes sort of do that don't they, you feel you just have to paint them! I love the grasses and the corde thing too.

    1. It was a shame I didn't get his ears right.

  2. I love the fox. The fox rocks

  3. You have done a great job of the fox's eye and I also like the blotty way you have applied the gingery paint.

    1. I was quite pleased with his eye. I experimented with a water spray for his coat, a bit tricky to control.

  4. I have a bed of grasses. The nurseryman wehere I bought them suggested I bought three different ones and planted them close together. It was a good idea - now they are growing they are growing 'as one' and as they are each a different green they make a most attractive bed.

    1. We have three, one is green with fluffy heads, a multi-coloured Pennisetum and a blue Fescue.

  5. Your grasses are great looking in the new garden bed. Grasses are quite architectural as they mature and some grow plumes in the Fall. I also grow grasses. Well done on the red fox. The eyes and coat look very real.

    1. I think they will grow on quite strongly next Spring. Unlike the ferns that die down, the grasses will maintain a presence over winter.

  6. Last Saturday, when we arrived at our house, there was a beautiful Fox outside. Last night when my son arrived for the weekend, he was there again. I think he must live here too.

    1. Urban foxes are becoming more common these days. I wonder if you will see him again.

  7. Love the fox - the eye detail is so natural. New art for your living room wall?
    That is going to be a very attractive flower bed, but before you add the gravel, will you lay something over the soil to stop the weeds rooting? We have done it here, it allows the water to permeate through, but saves so much weeding.

    1. We are in two minds about the weed cover, we have done so in other parts of the garden and it does seem to help. I messed up the ears of the fox so sadly he will be banished to my art folder.

  8. I think the fox is stunning. His eye is so realistic and I love the vibrant ginger colour and the dotty splashes. I love him without ears.

  9. The fox is wonderful. I would love to paint like that! I have done some watercolours, mainly copying from step by step books, and have actually done some quite nice pics, but not picked up a paintbrush for about 10 years now.

    1. I need the discipline of a regular art club to pick up my brushes.

  10. Garden looking good and I love Mr Foxy!
