10 November 2018

Ladybird ladybird

I rescued these rose buds from the compost heap this morning.

this little fella hitched a ride

I really need to clean those window frames


  1. I had lots of ladybirds in the bedroom the other day. I opened the window which I do very rarely, probably haven't opened it for a year, to clean it, and lots of ladybirds came in. Some dead and some alive. Like hundreds of them!

    1. I think it's been a bumper year for ladybirds.

  2. I love those little bugs! And they eat aphids which is great for roses!

  3. Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
    Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
    All except one,
    And her name is Ann,
    And she hid under the baking pan.

  4. I havenot seen a single ladybird all year so nice to see one, even secondhand.

  5. At this time of year we always find a few ladybirds in our bedroom. We are in a loft extension so I think they come in through the roof. I put them out of the window and my husband says they probably work their way back in! We too have some late rose buds in the garden. We are in the South.

  6. Nice rosebuds you rescued from the compost. Yesterday I rescued some spinach. Doug wanted to plant some beans so pulled out the spinach (that I was about to collect for lunch) and put it in the compost bin. He was not popular.

    1. Paul had been pruning the rose bushes, I couldn't bear to see the buds cast aside.

  7. When I came down this morning, I found a 'punaise' (sp?) sitting on my laptop; he is now outdoors.

    1. A shield bug? They used to particularly like my raspberry canes.

  8. There must be a paragraph or more on the Spotology of the Ladybird. They a fairly varied little critter.

    1. I think this was the 7-spot ladybird as opposed to the 2-spot or 14-spot variety.

  9. Hi Sue, I have come over from Rachel's recent post. This is not about ladybirds but about your daughter in Sydney. I also have a daughter in Sydney (in Bondi) and have often had to 'accompany' her via live chat when she has been troubled by depression. Trying to keep her mind on lighter/varied topics while encouraging her to get up and go to work or out or whatever. There is a mental health movement called R U OK? Which also says it is OK not to be OK and one activity aligned with that is Fluro Friday run by One Wave initiative at the South end of Bondi Beach each Friday morning. (Actually I think it is also run on other beaches but I only know about Bondi.) You just turn up wearing any colour but a touch of bright (fluoro) colour is part of the idea I think. Anyway the organisers run yoga on the sand and surf and paddle boarding in the waves. You may have seem pics of Meghan and Harry joining in with a later session. My daughter likes to go for beach walk before work and occasionally joins in the early Fluro Friday session at around 6.30am. There is no official joining or leaving, no formalities at all. I don't know about your daughter's situation but it rang a bell and I though you and she might like to know about R U OK and One Wave. If I have spoken out of turn please forgive me. BTW I no longer blog but continue to follow blogger 'friends' like Rachel - who I have actually met now. Best wishes, Cecile.

    1. Cecile, thank you so much for this. You will understand how powerless you feel when you have a daughter on the other side of the world who is struggling. I shall certainly mention this to her. Thanks again.

  10. Sue, powerless is exactly the feeling. I forgot to mention that I am in the UK but I guess you got that!x

    1. Sue, I have indeed met Cecile and she is a lovely person. When P first left she invited me to London to cheer me up and we went to the V&A.

      Hello Cecile, if you are reading this, thank you for that, and I am still looking forward to that meal we promised ourselves. Rachel

  11. Rachel Hello! I so enjoyed our day together. Stuff has happened. You know how it is. Will leave a comment on your own blog.xx
