27 August 2016

Gimme a Cold Beer

Phew, it's mighty hot here.  It's not entirely comfortable sitting in the shade of the hazelnut tree as it is rapidly shedding leaves and nuts. Everything is scorched, the grass is brown and even Philippe's vineyard is looking dry and thirsty.

Our grapes are looking splendid this year, these eating grapes are just starting to go pink.

(I'm sorry these pictures are all over the place tonight - I blame the computer, or it could be the heat, or maybe the whisky.)

We are due a storm in the early hours so we might be blessed with some rain and cooler temperatures tomorrow.

honey bee busy at work
Still plenty of colour in the garden.

sparrows enjoying their bath

pampas just starting to pamp          

I wouldn't make a very good barmaid


  1. Where did you hear about any storm or rain; my meteo certainly doesn't predict anything. In fact it says 'more of the same' for another 10 days.

    1. Meteo France says there is going to be a storm at 8.20 with gusts of 60 km. At the moment it's just dark and cloudy.

    2. Er - I think it missed us!

    3. But perfect cycling weather!

    4. Day off today! Perfect strimming weather though.

  2. It's just gone over us and heading your way. Bit of thunder & flash (enough to upset The Dog) and half hearted rain spots.

    1. Nothing here yet, just cloudy. The garden would just love some proper rain.

  3. Lovely inviting pictures to come over and sit in the sun with you.

  4. We had one mother of a storm yesterday, torrential rain, thunder and lightning - electricity off - all quite exciting really. Cheers!

  5. Beautiful weather here. Hot and dry. I am pleased I have the little Cit-ro-en with fold back roof

  6. I can just imagine you tootling around in your little Cit-ro-en. Do you wear a hat when you're driving?
