7 December 2017

Open Wide

I am trying to drink a cup of tea but as my mouth is frozen it is proving to be a bit tricky.   I have just spent an hour sitting in the dentist chair with my mouth wide open while Mr Smiley rebuilt my tooth.  He is very meticulous and I now have a brand new shiny tooth but it’s very hard to keep your mouth open for that long.

The surgery has a collage of autumn leaves pasted on the ceiling that you can gaze at as you stretch out underneath the drill.  It’s been there for years and I’m really bored with that scene now.  A whole hour looking at autumn leaves.

Rick gave me a very enthusiastic welcome when I got home.  He has started his intermediate level of training at dog school and is star of the class.  Unfortunately he still likes to lunge randomly at pedestrians while we are out walking which is a bit disconcerting.  He is always friendly with other dogs and their walkers but occasionally takes a dislike to someone.  I have a theory that if I greet someone like a friend he is fine so now I plan to give a cheery “hello, how are you?” to everyone I meet.  It’s worth a try isn’t it?


  1. The more I hear of Rick the more I love him.
    I hate dentists but it is almost worth going to see that wonderful collage. Whata clever idea. ( almost worth it but not quite!)

    1. He's an easy dog to love. I was very brave at the dentist but I didn't get a badge or a sticker!

  2. Yes rick sounds like as a sweetie.....that collage picture is quite beautiful

    1. It's a nice picture but I have spent too many hours looking at it. Time for a change.

  3. Poor you! I hate the dentist too (not him personally but the idea of going there. I even hate the hygienist!) but am not going to say any more in case I jinx myself into tooth trouble before Christmas. Please give my congratulations to Rick and the DP for completing their intermediate training.

    1. There's a wonderful high when it's all over.

  4. Don't be too hard on him, I sometimes feel the urge to lunge at strangers and bite them too.

  5. You may end up with a reputation. Bonjour, hello, hi, salut.

    1. Crazy woman with dog! It goes against my nature to be this friendly.

  6. I find my self thinking about Rick when i walk with my dog, She likes people but hates all kind of other animals.

    1. It's good that Rick gets on with other dogs because there are a lot around here. He loves cats too.

  7. My dog has the habit of turning and making towards anyone who walks by, and then stands and stares. Quite disconcerting at times, although she isn't the least bit aggressive.
    Looking at the state of my teeth, I feel that I shall be viewing the equivalent of those autumn leaves very shortly !

    1. It's strange, if people actually stop and greet him then Rick changes from aggressive dog, wags his tail and turns on the charm.

  8. That is a beautiful picture of autumnal leaves. My dentist is very funny (and cute!). He and his assistance sometimes make funny remarks at each other. Keeps me entertained but it's not always fun though; try laughing while someone is working in your mouth!
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Mr Smiley is a wonderful dentist but I just wish he would change the picture on the ceiling.

  9. If you start saying "Hello! How Are You?" to everyone you pass you will end up being carted off to a loony bin - if of course any loony bins still exist. Is the term "loony bin" politically correct? I am a loony so I don't care.

    1. People already think I'm a loony. If anyone tried to cart me off Rick would bite them.

  10. When I saw the heading 'open wide' I was unsure as to which area of the medical profession I could expect to read about.

    1. I did wonder if it was a wise choice for a heading!

  11. My Dentist has a screen on the ceiling with fish of some sort swimming about. One glance and my eyes a tightly shut - along with the vicelike grip of the chair arm rests.

    1. I was just so tense for that hour, it was exhausting.

  12. My Border Collie would walk quietly at heel without lunging at other walkers BUT if I spoke to someone, Zac would take that as an invitation to also go across and say hello.
    So I had to content myself with a furtive friendly nod at someone or risk my dog trotting off to his new friend.

    1. I just wish I could read his mind sometimes.
